Industrial safety is one of Mini Bruno’s fundamental values. We boast a Department of Health and Industrial Safety, whose mission is to contribute to the improvement of the safety and quality of the working environment through the definition, advice and coordination of policies and procedures adaptable to current legal regulations.

The Department of Health and Industrial Safety fulfills its functions with the advice and assistance of:

The Workplace Safety and Health Committee, a joint and licensed participation entity destined to review regularly and periodically policies, programs and performance in safety and occupational health matters.

The Emergency Brigade, a group of auxiliary volunteer responders from the industrial safety personnel trained to participate in the control and prevention of emergencies in their initial phase.

The Department of Health and Industrial Safety is governed by the following legal regulations:

  • The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
  • The Organic Labor Law (LOT).
  • The Organic Law on Prevention, Work Condition and Work Environment (LOPCYMAT).
  • Laws and Regulations on Occupational Health and Safety Standards.

Taking the current legal regulations into account and focusing on the welfare of our workers and patrimony, the Department of Health and Industrial Safety safeguards the total fulfillment of its programs and policies, which aim at the following objectives:

  • To comply with all laws, regulations and industrial norms applicable to our activity.
  • To guarantee the health of our workers and the integrity of the environment and the patrimony by providing safe equipment and processes and by controlling all risks found in each case.
  • To train our workers as safety and health supervisors and promoters.
  • To increase awareness among our workers about being part of the safe process.
  • To allot the necessary resources to insure the successful implementation of our action plans.